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**Potato Reveal**. I needed to grow 270 to break even (cost of seed potatoes v cost of supermarket spuds). I got...

submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.5 yearsDec 20, 2022 03:13:50 ago (+8/-0)     (Gardening)

310 small to minuscule potatoes.

All in all a disaster. But it was an experiment and I've got seed potatoes for the next crop. I've found potatoes don't like the shade or heavy wet soil. Her Hitler has ceded some of her sunny veggie patch to me and I'm now going to grow spuds in pots with very friable soil and in the sun.

The variety that seemed to do best is "Salad Rose".

Salad Rose:


The rest:



If Mr Putin is intent on declaring WW3 I ask him to hold off until I get better at growing spuds.

45 comments block

Cunt 1 points 1.4 years ago

😔 always trying to bring people down. I couldn't find any native violet seeds or seedlings. I sowed red clover which didn't take. The natural white clover is going mental though. You mentioned it carries the risk of kids stepping on a bee... I might have told you my first did that ages ago and learned the lesson. The second kid somehow got stung on the inner thigh and still wants to pat bees.