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Some of my unorganized thoughts on tv or youtube being required to save the west

submitted by oppressed to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 20:00:32 ago (+4/-0)     (TheGreatAwakening)

The only way to convert the world to a forbidden idea is to reach millions of them consistently.

We have to wake up enough Whites so that they will bring White ethnostates into being. You need access to the mainstream masses to wake them. That means you need television or youtube platforms. Nothing less will suffice.

Nothing less will recapture White's destiny.

Convincing the world to accept taboo ideas like racial separation would require having a regular platform on either television or youtube to debrainwash them with. Those are the only two platforms that can consistently reach and awaken the mainstream normie masses easily, with a number of new tv personalities: television and youtube.

The whole problem facing the west is that no white positive voices are reaching the mainstream masses. White people dont visit white nationalist websites on their own in large enough numbers to effect a great awakening.

White people need to go from being anti-racist to anti-diversity. The only practical way to convert the world to a forbidden idea is to reach millions of them consistently.

We need a widespread cultural shift in the way people think about race realism and White Advocacy, and we can't get that unless we have tv or youtube access to reach our people.

TV and Youtube reaches millions of normie masses with ideas they don't seek out. Social media does not have as much potential in reaching normies and educating them as tv and youtube has.

Anti-Whites tightly restrict who can speak to mainstream White normies on tv and youtube so that the White race will die. Whites never hear voices that care about their genotype.

The only reason White Nationalism is hated is because access to the mainstream masses on television and youtube is restricted to "colorblind" anti-Whiteism. Television and youtube determine what people think and say more than anything.

Every mainstream public figure on tv and youtube thinks White Replacement is good and that any objection to it is supremacism and racism. That's all normies see is support for White Genocide. If we can change their daily content they will awake, become White Nationalists, and save the West.

Television and youtube desperately need White Sympathetic public figures.

Changing what the world thinks depends on having a regular presence on television or youtube because those are the only ways to reach the millions of normies in the world.

Whites aren't smart enough to see anti-racism is anti-White on their own, or to care about their genotypic interests, so they would need constant mainstream media guidance/pressure.

3 comments block

Just what I posted