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NYPD evidence warehouse in Redhook NY on fire. This looks like an Epstein related event. He owned the Redhook Marina on St Thomas and his JE symbol looked like a red hook!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.5 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:05:58 ago (+2/-2)     (t.me)


This all comes after another victim has claimed she has video Epstein took of his friends having sex with a young girl for blackmail!

Am I going crazy or is this connected?




This is all starting to look like comms to me. And at a time when we are supposed to be seeing the names of eight clients redacted soon.

Epstein had connections to red hook ny too. I can't remember or find it just now but something is up with this story of evidence getting burned.

1 comments block

MaryXmas 1 points 1.5 years ago

Red hook is a part of Brooklyn. There are slums and an Ikea. That's about it. Yes, it is on the water but I doubt there would be a symbolic red hook. If he owned the marina, that might be something but i dont see a connection with the other stuff.