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(PSA) What the investors of Coke & Other soft drink companies don't want you to know: BPA has been linked multiple times to transgenderism. You know what lines coke cans?

submitted by prototype to random 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 10:02:10 ago (+48/-0)     (random)

Thats right. BPA.


SilentByAssociation posted a link here in the thread:

The tl;dr is that BPA use began in the 1950s. Just a decade short before the earliest manifestations of the LGBTQ insanity (before it had a name).

This will, I think, turn into a bigger scandal over time, than any of us can imagine. A scandal on the level of leaded gasoline.

Next steps would be to organize volunteer studies of trans and gays to determine BPA levels in say blood serum.

42 comments block

"You can buy cans that are specifically bpa free."

Theres two types of BPA. What they typically do is just line it with the other type--or so a study once wrote.