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The Last Shootout at Cerro Gordo, Wanted Man Billy Crapo - The Sacramento Daily Union reported January 3, 1893 the Governor had offered a reward of $500 for the apprehension of William Crapo for the murder of Henry Boland at Cerro Gordo, Inyo County California Dec. 29, 1892 .. he was never found

submitted by TankTinker to Screenshot 1.6 yearsNov 12, 2022 23:00:47 ago (+4/-0)     (i.postimg.cc)


Newspapers in Inyo County recorded the incident: A telegram to the following effect came over the wire yesterday, Henry B. Boland and John Thomas were together walking toward the Post Office. The house occupied by William Crapo is about sixty feet distant from the office. After the men had passed Crapo's house he opened the door and fired after them. Boland fell dead at the first shot, which struck in the back.

When Boland fell Thomas started to get behind a wagon that was near, but before he could reach it he got one bullet in the right shoulder one in the right wrist. The full effect of the wounds received by Thomas could not be stated til examined by a doctor. After the first shot was heard Thomas turned to look where it came from and saw Crapo standing in the door of his house. The Last Shootout at Cerro Gordo by Cecile Page Vargo.

1 comments block

Lol bro was just sitting there having breakfast looked out his window and said fuck those guys.