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The Republicans’ promised red wave may have been a ripple nationally, but in Florida, Tuesday’s election was a tsunami.

submitted by paul_neri to America 1.6 yearsNov 12, 2022 02:16:42 ago (+3/-0)     (www.vice.com)


It was @con77 's signs that did it!

The blue areas are getting redder…and so are the red areas

1 comments block

We still have 4 dem holdouts.

1. Lauderdale/Boca/Palm
2. Orlando
3. Gainesville
4. Tallahassee

The most faggy fags are in Miami but are outnumbered by Cubans. That flipped it. Puerto Ricans are democrats and it's amazing FL stayed red with all the uh, oh fuck it I'm just going to call it immigration.