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20 comments block

You are correct here. Its not all so simple. You have a bunch of elite males and sexually aggressive males who are fucking way more than their share. Low value women can often get laid once or twice by a guy but they cant get in to a serious relationship with one. And low value males cannot get sex or relationships unless they go to a mercenary prostitutes.

dur hur ladies are all whores, guys are all cool

Doug does not characterize the system well. There are good actors and bad actors in both sexes. If the average female is being made in to a whore its being done by a subset of even more promiscuous males and they are mostly white. This cant be explained away with coal burning.

In particular wealthy white males wil stay single for a very long time and sleep with 20-something women well into their 30s ans 40s and when they finally marry a 20 something woman at 40 they will sometimes cheat on her or divorce her in 10 years and pick up with another 20 something woman.

Guys think this is somehow an advantage to being male. They neglect that this completely destroys the pool of available non-hos for middle class males. In polygamy men are the biggest winners and the biggest losers.