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Why is everyone so fucking illiterate

submitted by Isaacjan to whatever 1.6 yearsOct 30, 2022 13:53:41 ago (+18/-6)     (whatever)

Even here I see shit like "voats about quality not quanity" in thread titles. Yeah, great quality you fucking mental nigger. Grown men in tech fields I work in can't fucking spell. Just scrolling through hobby boards and shit and everyone can't spell any words more complicated than 5 letters.

It gives me perspective, like how throughout history the common masses are illiterate NPC's just going along with whatever. That's hard for me to grasp, but the more I see these fucking people misspelling basic fucking words and failing to form coherent thoughts, it just drives home how fucking /easy/ it must be for kikes to subvert them.

Stop shitting up my beautiful English language, you god damn retards. Read a fucking book.

59 comments block

Lame is the best you've got? Holy shit, just come back later with something better.