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Alex Jones is right about a lot more than people would be willing to believe.

submitted by con77 to TellTalk 1.6 yearsOct 17, 2022 18:57:12 ago (+42/-1)     (u.smutty.horse)


Hes right about Sandy Hook and interdimensional beings too.

Explain the laughing crises actor. Go ahead.

24 comments block

Hadza 0 points 1.6 years ago

to divide the community

What the fuck are you talking about you nigger? Alex didn't name the jews AFTER 9/11 precisely because they got him by the balls.

They know he's capped at 10 million for what he has to pay, but they wanted to push on the Jew networks the 1 billion number to scare morons.

Kayfabe. The real takeaway from that is that no matter how hard you shabbos for them, they will inevitably stab you in the back