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Talk.lol/Voat.xyz is 1 month old

submitted by system to announcements 3.2 yearsMar 28, 2021 03:26:47 ago (+46/-0)     (announcements)

Hey guys

We've made it to day 30. I am very proud with how things have turned out so far. This community has been great. Lots of great posters from old voat have come over and this place is starting to feel a bit like our old home. I appreciate all of you who contribute and keep this place alive.

Traffic is really starting to pick up. We are consistently getting over 2k+ unique viewers a day, and approaching 1 million requests per day. But I am starting to notice some slow down again, so next week I plan to work on optimizing everything, and changing how comments load to be similar to other similar sites. This should reduce the load on the server and speed things up. In the meantime here are some stats:

In 30 days

858 accounts have been registered

3397 topics have been posted

16089 comments have been posted

43242 votes have been cast

233 subverses created

Looking forward to the next 11 months and hitting that 1 year mark. That will be the next time I update these stats. See you then :D

27 comments block

Sorry to be this asshole, but do you plan on making an open source app?