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What next, jews?...Euthanasia!

submitted by PostWallHelena to ClownWorld 1.7 yearsOct 12, 2022 11:30:17 ago (+22/-0)     (litter.catbox.moe)


The next fucking excellent roll-out from jews in this amazing jewish run utopia is euthanasia.

They’ve pushed the bounds beyond all reason with murder for babies, with sex changes for kids, with “protections” for niggers and foreigners, and now their going to expand their powers to murder you, if you’re looking a little gimpy or long in the tooth, or maybe just a little depressed. They are now euthanizing children in Europe. Pro-euthanasia legislation has no oversight and its being abused and helpless whites are the victims of the jewish socialist medical tyranny.

Here’s a good thread by some gimpy left wing fag on twitter on the advancement of this agenda

26 comments block

I'm not sure that it addresses the issue I identified in the previous comment.
Yeah sorry it turn into a catharsis

I don’t want to remove all the profit incentives of medical care— I want to remove the profit incentives of euthanasia.

it makes almost no financial sense to kill someone who represents a consistent income stream

They work for medicare. Medicare apparently punishes the hospice contractors who have patients that live too long. Likewise nursing home have some contract where they can inherit all the assets of the deceased in exchange for services rendered. Thats what happened to my aunt.

For example, if a hospital could bill $80,000 for chemo treatment, they'd be incentivized against wanting her to die.

I wish I understood all the inner working of these bureacracies. But I know that after her chemo, she was cancer free and her only problem (that we knew of) at that point was her inability to eat. She was like 76. She had lost 30 lbs and was down to around 90. They wouldnt give us a marinol script. No we had to wait until she was down to 75 or 80 lbs and in the hospital. We had to go through unbelievable bullshit to get her a lousy feeding tube. Im telling you they wanted her to die. Once the chemo was done they did not want to do one single solitary thing to save her life. I thought, “this bitch did not go through chemo and radiation to be cured of cancer and have her ass burned from the inside out for us to let her die of neglect! ” but that is what they absolutely wanted to do. I’m telling you, we had to scream and shout at these people for weeks to get them to do what their fucking supposed to do.

A dead person generates no cash flow.

I disagree.