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You are an uncoordinated sack of slop.

submitted by usedoilanalysis to Fluiddynamics 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 21:25:58 ago (+0/-0)     (Fluiddynamics)

Can you turn your waist without turning your knee? No, most of you will toss your hip by turning your knee. You've lived your whole life doing this because you're afraid of your own momentum. By tossing your hip, and turning your knee when you turn your waist you're dissipating all your energy, wasting it. By not moving your knee when you turn your waist you keep all your energy. Even people that have practiced for years can't do this automatically. If you brace your front knee against something, like a couch or door frame, or bed, you see how easily your energy travels from your back foot, to your lead hand.

7 comments block

taoV 0 points 1.7 years ago

Well it make sense in that example. IIRC I was taught to end those with bit of counter-turn, almost a pulling motion so as to not to overextend. Kinda similar to what your saying. It's been a long time though.