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You must do your part to speak to many normies each day, as you might be the only race realist and pro-White voices they hear in a day

submitted by oppressed to activism 1.7 yearsSep 24, 2022 14:54:16 ago (+41/-1)     (activism)

One my last thread about using logical points to make anti-racists become race realists, everyone said this is a waste of time because normies won't use logic, so here is my response to that fallacy:

We have to wake up a lot of whites for changes in law to commence. If everyone used logical persuasion or any persuasion on antiwhites and normies a lot, normies would wake up. All they ever hear is anti-White narratives, but if they heard White positive voices like yours their whole lives, we would have a pro-White society that respects White people and racial reality.

That's why you must do your part to speak to many normies each day, as you might be the only race realist and pro-White voices they hear in a day.

21 comments block

Laputois 0 points 1.7 years ago

I utilize platforms like Facebook and Nextdoor. I have an alternate Facebook account as a she boon who works for the department of social services. Inuendo is your friend. As an example on a Facebook post concerning anti semetism I will inquire "why do so many people hate Jews?" When a crime occurs in the historically white district that they have just developed apartments to migrate the niggers in I will comment that the Northside (major crime area) homies have migrated to the south side. When someone calls it out as racist I will reply that that I did not mention race and they do not know what race I am, so they are inferring it's racial. You can navigate the minefield by obsufication, generalities and wit. When a she boon asks me for a clarification of the term homies i quote Webster and tell her she is inarticulate.