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Feminism is dead in Sweden!!! The feminist party only got 0.05% of the vote. Down 200,000 votes!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to FeminismIsCancer 1.7 yearsSep 22, 2022 23:20:49 ago (+31/-0)     (FeminismIsCancer)

Well considering how the feminists did all they could to get the country flooded with Muslims migrants that destroyed their way of life it's not surprising!

25% of the population are now Muslim refugees!

They have 61 no go zones!

4 bombings a week!

Went from the lowest rape rate in Europe to one of the highest!

Have been overrun with migrant gangs after being one of the lowest crime rates in Europe!

Having Muslims terrorizing their women and daughters, scared to walk down the street!

And the feminists held up signs saying "I prefer rapists over racists" when they arrived and called everyone that was aagainst this a racist. So it's clear that they knew they where rapists. They made the rape epidemic happen on purpose.

So how does that help empower women?

Well it seems the Swedish women realize they swallowed a poison pill ideology.

But are the new guys going to start deporting these invaders? No word yet. But 80% of these so called refugees have gone back home on vacation so that proves they where never in any danger or they wouldn't have gone back to visit!

So far the new right wing government is a minority without the support it needs to form a coalition. But the momentum is moving hard to the right and against the refugees.

But just try finding any news of how bad the feminists lost. I read about this on Peter Swedens twatter page.

I'm sure many other women are abandoning feminism everywhere. Especially now we are on the brink of wwiii.

23 comments block

America is dying. No doubt. and I also love hearing about leftists getting raped and murdered by non-whites. America got cancer in 1913 with (((the federal reserve))). Then the 1964 immigration's act was white genocide and the beginning of the end. Now it is a rotting corpse with jewish maggots everywhere.