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Realistically, how long would a true leftist/progressive country lasy if the USA actually split?

submitted by FinsterBaby to culture 2.5 yearsNov 23, 2021 22:49:08 ago (+5/-1)     (culture)

I predict no more than two years. They would self implode by infighting, mismanagement and infighting, and then the conservative split would easily invade and reclaim the territory.

What say you?

19 comments block

Russia is trying this.

The only reason they have a chance at surviving is because they have nukes and openly told the cabal they would use them if Russia was truly threatened.

If Hitler had had nukes France never would have invaded Germany and the USA never would have sunk German ships before the war and certainly Russian troops would never have been allowed into Berlin.

The cabal knows Putin will use the nukes on them if Russia is truly threatened.

That's why Russia has a chance to break away.