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Niggers denied service because they don't tip

submitted by Laputois to Niggers 1.7 yearsSep 13, 2022 20:16:50 ago (+36/-1)     (sports.yahoo.com)


Further down the offending non tipping sheboon exclaims that
she was racially profiled. Yep, I guess she was. Niggers do not even realize that they write the stereotype.

46 comments block

Hell I've even seen tip jars at cash registers of gas stations, clothing stores, etc.

I am fine with tip jars that encourage, not mandate tipping for exceptional service in a service role such as hospitality for teenagers. But retail, some pajeet that calls you cunt in hindi at the gas station, lol.

Tipping used to be extra for an especially good job, or for doing something really above and beyond, but now it's just expected, even if you get extra shitty service.

This is only a problem in the USA.

Tipping in Australia is without exception reserved only for good service and its generally just the loose change from buying drinks, coffees, that you give to some poor young girl or guy trying to make your day less trash.