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The role of hydrogen bonds in cooling.

submitted by usedoilanalysis to Fluiddynamics 1.7 yearsSep 12, 2022 12:37:21 ago (+2/-1)     (Fluiddynamics)

In chemistry, breaking bonds absorbs heat, or cools. Water retains heat when it's liquid and much less so when it is vapor, because the hydrogen bonds become weaker and easier to break. R134 is a hydrofluorocarbon, each molecule has 2 hydrogen bonds. The cooling loop consists of converting a gas to a liquid, then diffusing the liquid back to a gas. Gasoline absorbs energy and cools before it combusts, gasoline is mostly carbon with hydrogen bonds, the reaction products are mostly CO2 and H2O. It is when the CO2 and H2O forms that energy is released. When the hydrogen bonds in the gasoline are broken, energy is absorbed, temperature decreases, this is why running rich cools exhaust gas temperature. Why gasoline being sprayed on and evaporating actually cools the intake valves.

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