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👀👂 Tlolocaust Episode 23 - The Certainity of Steal 👀👂

submitted by v0atmage to tlolocaust 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 18:04:40 ago (+12/-2)     (rumble.com)



Ever wondered what it'd feel like for an IRS agent in a wheel chair to point a gun at you because you claimed one too many dependents? You could ask Dial to do it or you could just watch this podcast instead!

The government admits UFOs are a real threat, but nobody gives a shit because muh taxes and gas prices. The exception might be Dangus who prays they have quadruple breasted alien women who enjoy cooking and cleaning (where do the extra 2 boobs go, though?).

Israel is creating headless clones and v0atmage is a little too excited by the news, offending both trumpman and dirtywhiteboy's delicate sensibilities.

Finally, Biden is a stumbling incoherent mess, per usual. I bet the actor
playing him in "My Son Hunter" is too alert and mentally present to portray him properly, but searchvoat will still end up watching it.


@dirtywhiteboy (aka driving while black),
@trumpman9000 (aka geno the IRS, in meincraft)

Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/9eg5qc.mp3
Rumble (Edited): https://rumble.com/v1hqfbp-tlolocaust-episode-23-the-certainty-of-steal.html
Rumble (Live): https://rumble.com/v1hd3b5-tlolocaust-episode-23-live.html
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JzXd6RYn41Ju/
Show notes: https://hackmd.io/Qdv-z1BlTbqCBMYFljghWg\

16 comments block

Make yourself into an angry sandwich, cause you mad jelly.