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I designed and built some kid's chairs. 11 of them. - Links work now.

submitted by I_Built_A_Whatchamacallit to Woodworking 1.8 yearsAug 28, 2022 17:28:23 ago (+54/-0)     (Woodworking)

Hockey Jersey Chairs - https://files.catbox.moe/3hlb4h.JPG - With crossed sticks and a puck cut into the side.
Football and Baseball - https://files.catbox.moe/d1ave9.JPG - Uprights for Football, and a bat and ball for Baseball. This design could also be modified for soccer, rugby, etc.
Barn and Grain Elevator - https://files.catbox.moe/dp38ml.JPG - They can drive their little grain trucks through the elevator, and put their cows and horses in the barn.
A couple Castles - https://files.catbox.moe/alo0ud.JPG - I made the pink one first, and then thought that I need to make a fortress also. But I don't really like how the grey looks. The next one will be dark blue with either a white or yellow seat.
And some Mountains and Forest Chairs - https://files.catbox.moe/ra030g.JPG -

Going by size charts I found online these are sized for kids 3-6 years old. But it'd be really easy to make them bigger.

I figured that kid's have good imaginations, and will be used as both chairs and not dollhouses, but action figure fortresses.
They're bolted together with furniture bolts and t-nuts. I made sure to angle the backs the same as a kitchen or office chair. Without the angle they'd look cheap and homemade.
A couple of them need the paint touched up, barn doors should be smaller, and I should change the logo size on the football ones. But overall I think they turned out pretty good for a first batch of prototypes.

I made them so they can be flat packed and easily shipped. So hopefully I might be able to make and sell some of these online. And yes I know about copyright infringement and all that. So selling sports ones will be difficult.

36 comments block

No CNC. But that would have made it a lot easier.

All of it was cut with a table saw and scroll saw.