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Love Your Folk - Know Your Roots

submitted by Boardallday3 to whatever 1.8 yearsAug 26, 2022 13:13:36 ago (+31/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


6 comments block

jquuery -5 points 1.8 years ago

It was really disappointing to realize you all are more or less feminists but with a vaguely "racist" edgy slant.

That you think white sluts aren't cucking you is hilarious considering your country. The other cultures don't value greco-roman or chrisitan values, but neither do you. The punchline of you all is that it's not that you are being subverted, it's that you were subverted half a century ago. It likely began in earnest with Vatican II and from there the UN women's convention every 10 years.

You are dumb enough to support women. Did you not -read- your bible? Clearly not. Did you not read your western philosophy? Clearly not. Can you think? Not really. Unfortunately.