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Were jews behind the Russian pogroms of the late 19th century and early 20th century to expand the Zionist movement and to get jews to emigrate from Russia to the western part of the White world?

submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.8 yearsAug 9, 2022 19:53:42 ago (+19/-0)     (TheEternalJew)

The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies. We want to emigrate as respected people.“ — Theodor Herzl

We learn that the pogroms against jews in the 1880s began the mass emigration of jews from Russia and other countries. One of the results of this pogrom was the birth of a ''nationalist'' and Zionist movement among the jews in Russia while at the same time causing many jews to join already jewish established revolutionary groups.


As we can see, these pogroms favored jewish interests. In fact, jewish supremacists have no issue throwing your average jew under the bus to advance the bigger jewish agenda of world domination.
Protocols II

''But governments did not know how to make proper use of this power, and it fell into our hands. Through the press we achieved influence, although we ourselves kept in the background. Thanks to the press we accumulated gold, though it cost us streams of blood: it cost us the sacrifice of many of our people, but every sacrifice on our side is worth thousands of Gentiles before God.''

What caused the 1880s pogroms?


Who was responsible for the assassination of Alexander II?


Interestingly, The jewish intelligentsia had members who welcomed the anti-jewish riots when it started.


The jewish author of a book about 1881 pogroms, I. Michael Aronson, came to the conclusion that Alexander III and his advisers and ministers were strongly opposed to the pogroms and thus the Tsarist government was not behind it because they realized that the pogroms would actually be a threat to the governments power.


According Tsar Alexander III in a meeting with delegation with jews, he stated that the pogroms was the works of the anarchist, and himself pledged to the jews that he would on work on improving the legal position of the jews. Another benefit of the jewish supremacists from the pogroms.


When Alexander III said it was the anarchists that were behind the pogroms, who does he means? Well certainly, the group behind the rise of anarchism who were to the surprise of no one, jews. Anarchism was and still is just another jewish ideological tool to draw people to communism by spreading ideas that encourages the destruction of non-Jewish societies.

As there were numerous prominent jewish anarchists who were involved with the Bolshevik party and participated in the jewish Bolshevik Revolution. Another benefit from the perspective of the jewish 'elite' from the pogroms of 1880s was that the exodus of massive amounts of jews to the western part of the White world, were they could now poison the mind of the non-Jew with anarchism and other jewish ideologies that they had formed in Russia.


We also see that the jewish paper, Razsvet, was endorsing jewish emigration from Russia in 1881, the same year the pogroms had started. It stated that the western border was ''open'' to jews. Oy vey, now we can spread our poison there too, said the jew.


Pogroms in the early 20th century also gave further support from jewish communities to Zionism and expanded the Zionist movement, and it also caused further emigration.

These pogroms seem to have also been orchastrated by jews.

Black Hundreds was a jewish controlled opposition group who claimed to be nationalists, loyal to the Tsar and working under the interest of the Tsar. They were known for their Anti-Ukrainian sentiment, ''anti-semitism'' and were behind numerous pogroms.

One of the founders of this group V.A. Gringmut who was jewish.


It also had government supporters that were jewish, such as I. Ia. Gurliand.


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