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Natural Law, The Blood, And The European People.

submitted by outlaw to whatever 1.9 yearsJul 30, 2022 01:14:59 ago (+4/-1)     (whatever)

Natural Law.

I recently had a thought: That the destruction of europeans and the west
was like the scattering at babylon.

Obviously we as a people had made mistakes, sins even.

Our culture itself has erected, and become, a tower of babel.
Why though, and how?

It occurred to me, the history of a people, or here a 'nation', is like
a bible of that people in and of itself. The bible, or a bible is a lesson.
Kind like good or bad parents, which both teach lessons by how they live.
So too are the generations and history of a nation.

This includes our people.

What lessons had we learned, what lessons have we taught? Were they good
lessons or bad ones? I'll answer that in a moment.
But first, I have to ask a far more important question:

What changed? What changed that brought us from the peak of enlightenment,
to global post-modern totalitarianism?

Natural law.

We abandoned natural law, in favor of scripture.

This is NOT an attack on the bible, lets be clear. In fact, in a moment, I'm going
to reinforce the idea of scripture, because once you see it in this radical new
foundational light, you can't unsee it.

If the bible, a lesson, was given to a whole people, and we can say the zionists
were condemned, then the mantle surely passed. And the uptake of faith, leading
to the enlightenment, was the blessing.

What changed then was our interpretation of the faith, and therefore our practice.

Natural law, as the founding fathers wrote, is "nature and nature's god."
The worship of all thats good in creation, both the world, and what creation has
put into man. It is the honoring and the preservation, the uplifting, and cultivating
all that is good, and righteous, and true. And TRUTH with a capital T, is both
the light of rationality in human reason leading us all to the sciences and discoveries
that made the west great, the larger spiritual truth that made us persue a better future
for each generation to come. Not "strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak
men make bad times", but "strong men make strong times, and strong times make strong men".

The truth of it is lost by the destruction
of entire generations of european men and women in the fires of two brother wars.
A near complete wipe of the transfer of intergenerational knowledge, but also wisdom,
history and custom. Our enemies thought, those who have no past, who cannot remember it,
have no hand in the future.

But providence has shown that we keep on fighting, the flower of european thought, dying
and reblooming, forever.

What do "strong times" mean?
We do not know what this means now, with the loss of those generations. There is a great
confusion, as those alive today fail to grasp the premise that 'strong' times and 'bad' times
could ever be distinct things. All the strong men that yet live today, were created by bad
times, purely by accident of circumstances forced upon us.
There is an inherent meanness, or wickedness in this strength.
You see it in fatherless sons, in convicts, in outlaws and rebels, who having only been
able to recognize the evil of the system through the evil the system inculcated in society,
have therefore rejected that system. What I speak of is fundamental alienation.
And having rejected that system, they can only be destroyed by it, or go on to destroy it.
And the systems which they create, must therefore go on to themselves, reflect ultimately,
if not in their beginnings, then in their final forms, the same wickedness.

A self-perpetuating cycle as it were. The prototypes of the very inversion of plato's
philosopher kings.

We can begin now to see the shape or outline of an answer. An answer to what
the difference is between 'bad times' and 'strong times'.


Examining the common cycle reveals a lie.

"Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men.
Weak men create bad times."

The lie is in the understanding of what is good and bad.
Here 'good' is conflated with plenty, and ease, and eventually, decadence.
Strong men is conflated with wickedness, of an overabundance of justice over mercy,
and wrath.
And weakness by the very reasoning, is conflated with the lack of those things.

But in truth the weak, the strong, the good, and the bad, of all these phases,
are really just the wicked, and the weak.

What this cycle is, is a yoke. This is the definition of wickedness.

It is brought on both by ignoring our own understanding and by leaning on our own understanding.

In ye olde days, a stranger wanders into the village. He promises riches and adventure to
the village youth if they follow him and join his band. The village elders, seeing
a charlatan, who would surely lead some or all of them to their demise, scorn this man.
They order the young warriors of the tribe to seize and slay the stranger.

The youth, having a thousand generations of wisdom passed down to them, understand it
is best to listen to the elders, and they seize and slay the wicked stranger.

And all is at peace again.

Because they did not lean on their own understanding individually, but their own understanding
as a people, they avoided great loss, and peril.

So it was, so it would be, until it was not.

But what are we to do if the elders have no wisdom? If they have nothing, because
their fathers before them, and theirs before that, failed to pass down the wisdom or died
in wars?

In the place of lost wisdom, we have replaced faith-in-our-own-people with faith in those
who are not kith and kin. We have had for us counterfeited spiritual authority to supplant
the light of reasoning which The Lord had given us as a blessing.

And we have put our faith in the signs that WE KNOW (our own understanding), the signs and symbols
(letters) written by people's we have never met, and were not of us.

The immediate objections raised is:
He attacks the bible and christianity!
Those who don't follow the bible are pagans that are doomed!
The light of reason comes from the (physical) word!

And I will address all of those.

Ye I say to you, even the condemned man, who is european by blood, who does good and has it in his heart, ye EVEN him that knows nothing of the written Word, that even in the wasteland, having had no word, no bible, having never read it, IS christian.
The blood is christ, and the european people are christianity.
Just as Jesus rebuked the pharisees saying "ye are the synagogue of satan."

And how then are we NOT saved by works, if we are supposed to know them BY their works?
There is no other way. For without works, we may not know a mans heart in any capacity.
Neither the bible forbade its changing, or the insertion of lies, or terrible wretched deceits,
that have lead many millions to damnation. It ONLY said "those who DO change it" will be condemned

It is obvious then that the great heap of contradictions, were those inserted by error,
or by intention to mislead, cast doubt, and destroy those who followed the wrong parts of the scripture.
And to all who claim in horror or anger "how dare you. And what is 'wrong' scripture?"
I say this:

This idea is even supported by history itself, where at the council of nicea, whole books, whole scriptures
were either accepted or rejected out right.

"let him who has wisdom, count the number of the beast, it is the number of a man."
And so too are the works of the beast, man. What a man believes, what a man does, all the works of the beast.

What this means is that everything which man has made, is rotten in some way, or destined to become rotten.
Yes, anything we have physically made, will be misused, and eventually corrupted. Even the physical incarnation of
The Divine Word, the bible.

And is it not so? Has not the doctrine of poisonous tolerance not flowed from the very doctrine of
"love they neighbor?"
Has the european people not been utterly destroyed, pushed out, diluted, and defeated time and again
by this doctrine of tolerance, of universal love without judgement or reason?

You will know them by their works, indeed.


Here is some 'divine inspiration' for thought:
The european people themselves are the body of christ, having been given the blessing upon the blood.
The european people, and the european alone are christianity itself, the chosen people.
The God of the bible is a pale and distorted imitation from a Great and early book, that our enemies,
satan itself, the nation and blood of zionism, quickly took up, and distorted, to mislead and destroy us. This is their nature, and who they are.
We walked in blind faith, ignoring the light of reason which The Lord gave us, allowing our people to be lead into wars of misplaced sympathy for the devil, and endless demographic replacement for all the nations which we conquered in the name of Christ.

It was by the worship of nature's God and natural law, that we fed the flame of the divine light of reason.
it was by the observation of nature's law, that we made our medicines, our ships, our machines, and our weapons.
All out of the blessing of the blood, out of the blessing of the Divine Word:
Be fruitful, multiply. Name all the things (the basis of science and the beginning of Truth and Wisdom) as they are,
Do not lay with the beasts of the fields. For by doing that the blood and the blessing are taken for granted.
Keep evil and good separated (do not partake in the fruit of the knowledge of good an evil). That means
keeping the blood separated from the beasts of the field. That means naming things correctly, good and bad.
"woe (sorrows, destruction) unto them who calls evil good, and good evil."

We knew what was good (what worked), in science, and the construction of civilization, BY ITS FRUITS.

Jesus commanded us to be WORLDLY, to be OF IT, but not IN IT. In other words, he commanded us to know its ways, andto know its ways by the fruit of its ways, so we may recognize 'wheat from chaff'.


It is therefore better to be ignorant, than mislead. To lean on ones "own understanding" than destroyed by leaning on the lies which the pharisees incorporated into the bible, or the truths and lessons they left out.

In fact, does it not say in the whirlwind "I make the light, and form the darkness"?
The bible itself then forms a study of both what is true, and those lessons which are destructive lies inserted by satan and his minions, those people who were UN-CHOSEN, who god withdrew his favor from, if ever they really were chosen to begin with.

And by this measure, it is made greater, for that which has been tainted, instructs us on how to better see the snares of the enemy, does it not? Does Nature, and Natures God, not use the wicked, to strengthen his

And do we not know the truth of all things by its fruits?


We are therefore equipped to answer the question:
What is the difference between strong times and bad ones?

Bad times are that cycle which degenerates and decays a people. Where even when strong generations arise, they are wicked, or their fruits and ultimate results are wicked, so that each strong generation that should be generated, is weaker, and more wicked than the last. Until the people themselves are no more.

Strong times is that cycle, and knowledge, and practice, and culture, which elevates each generation higher than the next. Neither borrowing from the future at the futures expense, nor wholly sacrificing itself for uncertain or unwise undeavors. It is the refinement, and improvement of CHRISTIANITY and the christian people: europeans ourselves. The improvement and practice thereof, of the blood of our people, our knowledge, our unity, our sanctity, and our security both in the here and now, and in the future.

It is even the scientific refinement or engineering of struggle, and opposition itself, to mere exercise, for the preservation of our cultures and peoples ability to fight and thrive against adversity, managing even the fitness of our opposition and those who rise to challenge us.

A world where all against all, serves the all, and the all is the good of the body of christ, the blood, and christianity itself: the spirit of the european people, serving nature's God for the sake of natural law.

Therefore we must endeavor to write a new bible. One that from these last few centuries, draws worshipfully, from observation of our own history, and our outcomes, to decide what lessons are true, and what lessons, based on their fruit, are wrong or were inserted by our enemy.

And on the mantle of the destiny which god has given us, found a NEW church.

That is, if we as a people are ever to rise again.

30 comments block

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

"No, it's not."

stay mad fucking jew.