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The most lynch able nigger around.

submitted by Sick_Puppy to Niggers 2 yearsJun 8, 2022 17:11:09 ago (+1/-1)     (morty.ononoki.org)


A massive faggot and bans the normies while causing drama. It would be a shame if he got more hate. Honk

QuantumTV btw.

4 comments block

I only just barely found out by going down a rabbit hole of idiotic faggoty youtube drama bullshit, and despite being a niggerfaggot who abuses youtube DMCA shot, he otherwise appears to be potentially FUCKING BASED! Youtube drama is so gay, I swear, my brain is losing IQ points by the minute. Anyway, here's a stupid retarded link. The nig hates fags and mentioned that only the niggest of niggers liked the stupid black panther movie. Also he hates trannies. Oh; he also had some e-drama with a little kid from england over elden ring or something I don't care about... in a pretty faggy way it looks like, but he deleted all of that because he's pretty high functioning for his species.

I have been a fan of act man's videos for awhile. A really mild fan, but I'd watch his entertaining shit here and there; I did not know he was a commie faggot - this is all just so stupid. FUCK!


Bla bla bla. Anyway, this nigger might actually be half kind of okay in the final analysis; but youtube drama of this magnitude should just end in mandatory execution for all involved, so oh well.