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The minutes following a nuclear blast are vital to your survival (my comment was rejected because it wasnt following the guidelines,read below )

submitted by knightwarrior41 to ClownWorld 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 09:52:09 ago (+1/-0)     (www.msn.com)


my comment: they forgot to add to take your iodine pills. this is just fearmongering


1) there are no designated shelters to go in case of such an attack

2) you might expect several blasts in your area, not just one and btw, who's to say that the water that your showering in isnt also contaminated? pure nonsense (yes multi entry vehicles are a thing in nuclear warheads)

3)the attacks would not take 30 minutes because the russians have hyper missiles that can carry nuclear weapons. plus the russians also have subs on each coast that can also deliver this type of strikes

4) six feet of social distancing and mask wearing. LOL

enough said

5) the elites do have their bunkers with all the amenities and food that the general population will lack and oh btw, once the power grid is gone . there wont be any services available to you. goodbye civilization. more people will die from starvation ,illnesses and social disorder.

there's more but i will stop at this

8 comments block

meat -2 points 2 years ago

Lol, faggot