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That's why they can get away these things.

submitted by Gowithit to Rants 2 yearsMay 26, 2022 13:00:38 ago (+18/-0)     (Rants)

I don't know how to share the live videos from Facebook but I found it from the other guys post with the Twitter video.

Not one fucking person jumped the fucking fence!!!!!

I have my gun in my car???

All they're hearing is someone is in there shooting at your kids and you didn't fucking break through barricades.

Our grandparents would've been over that shit in 2 seconds.

Wtf happened to us?

Those bitches were walking .. WALKING!!!! To the front where they said they were releasing the kids.

Either this is staged or everyone is in on it Ukraine style.
My kids aren't in school and you don't even know the disgust I have to hold back when I keep seeing posts and hearing people with this " a mother should never be afraid to send her kid to school"

Yes you should always be every fucking second their gone you should be worried.
Or the I'm afraid of my kids growing up in this world"

You are the reason you degenerate fucks!!!!!

You thought fucking around , smoking weed and having some shit tier job was fucking worth it!!!!

I hate everybody.

24 comments block

Thank you, will remember that