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submitted by RabbiKinderschtupper to whatever 2.4 yearsJan 30, 2022 14:56:41 ago (+63/-18)     (whatever)

Poal admins came to real Voat to talk shit about it and promote their own site.

Then when Voat shut down, you faggots went and lapped up AOU's leftover tranny faggot hormone treatments. Follow his little rules about no downvotes. Kissed his bleeding from constantly being rammed by 2-inch nigger dick ass.

Fuck off. Every one of you can drink bleach and die.

Poal is even gayer than Reddit. You're all faggots. 1488 Hitler should have finished the fucking job. All niggers are closet fags.

98 comments block

VOAT.co (may that site forever rest in peace) and POAL.co are great sites. I find the banning essential in finding quality users instead of quantity users for all sites.