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Maternity pads disappear from grocery stores

submitted by Cunt to Covidicences 2 yearsMay 5, 2022 07:12:01 ago (+29/-0)     (Covidicences)

For the ignorant, for days after birth there is heavy bleeding, so there is a specifc pad for all that mess. I'm not pregnant but Tom's brand maternity pad is a good overnighter. I have noticed lately that all the grocery stores don't sell maternity pads any more. Not that they are out of stock, the tickets and space are gone. And not just Tom's- I know Cottons, U[Kotex], Libra and at least one other brand made maternity pads. They used to be in pharmacies too - they are gone from there too. I was shopping for a friend's baby shower and noticed they had some Maternity pads on a display at Baby Bunting. So instead of all the convenient locations you coild buy maternity pads until fairly recently now you can only find them in the big baby store.

If they weren't selling that well and wanted to cut them surely they would stock the most popular brand and cut the others rather than cutting ALL brands of maternity pads. They would have to be selling really badly to cut all of them. Why would sales of maternity pads drop to "not worth stocking" levels across all brands in both major supermarkets, lots of pharmacies and small supermarkets?

It's a pretty essential post partum product, why else would do many drop it?

I'll keep an eye of the adult nappies in supermarkets too - I wonder if they won't be available as widely soon either.

31 comments block

Damn, should have invested in these companies before the run