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So they want to overturn Roe vs Wade, let me tell you why this is a BAD thing...

submitted by Swej_Ehtsag to whatever 2.1 yearsMay 3, 2022 02:11:53 ago (+27/-3)     (www.politico.com)


Most of my life I was in complete disbelief that murdering your unborn child (aka abortion) was allowed. It's by far one of the sickest and most depraved acts of the human species.

A single post on 4chan changed my mind forever. The very people who demand abortions are the very people who should get abortions. Abortion has killed more niggers, spics, kikes and white liberals than any war times a thousand. The law we really need is, if you get an abortion, you are required to have mandatory tubal ligation (no more ability to have children). Anyone who is capable of murdering their own offspring would never be a fit parent.

26 comments block

IMO it's an interesting idea, but ultimately unnecessary. Women who have abortions are highly likely to be promiscuous, which unless they're uncharacteristically smart about will result in disease and infertility; and will also IMO ultimately be less likely to have more than two children. The women who have children will be the women who want to have children, and those who disdain them will breed themselves out of the race.