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15 Year Old Commits Suicide After Being Relentlessly Bullied for Not Getting Vaxxed

submitted by breh to DeathVax19 2.1 yearsApr 29, 2022 19:10:11 ago (+57/-0)     (www.breitbart.com)


He even was actually vaxxed, but other kids didn't believe it and harassed him constantly, asking of his parents were anti-vaxxers, etc. One of the teachers even got in on it. Parents are suing the school district for not doing anything to stop it. The leftist teachers probably encouraged it, behind closed doors.

29 comments block

Autismo 19 points 2.1 years ago

1) Some Jew kid killed himself. A - ha ha B - it's anudda shoah
2) What kind of faggot kills themself b/c they get bullied for not getting vaxxed.
3) What kind of faggot that got vaxxed but then kills himself b/c he's accused of not being vexed?
4) Oy vey parents gonna sue for anti-semitic bullying.