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Who would you chose to represent you?

submitted by Laputois to AskGoats 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 19:03:52 ago (+11/-0)     (AskGoats)

If the judge was a black woman and the opposing attorney was a white man? I contend that you would probably be better off having a black female attorney. They will be worth their weight in gold among the most prestigious law firms competing to hire them. Does not matter if the sheboon is stupid, they will have young white law clerks writing all her motions, and coaching the sheboon on legal tactics.

31 comments block

TheBebot 8 points 2.2 years ago

Compared to White attorneys, black attorneys are three times as likely to be placed on probation and more than twice as likely to have 10+ complaints lodged against them.