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Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn violated Section 875 AND committed wire fraud by sending fake death threats to themselves (see Section 875 about interstate threats of harm) and asking for donations to their non profit organizations of which they took money from and spent on themselves

submitted by MatthewJuly1313 to gaming 2.2 yearsMar 28, 2022 15:21:04 ago (+45/-1)     (gaming)

If the IRS and FBI respected the law they would investigate the both of them and prosecute the both of them. But i know i'm preaching to the chior.

12 comments block

The fatass gender denying dykes at the North Side library in Pittsburgh bought multiple copies of that book and prominently displayed it for months, but no one ever checked any out.

Meanwhile Jordan Peterson's book was only available from the main library, had half as many copies in circulation, and every copy was reserved for months (by leftists who didn't want anyone to have access to it).