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Men are smarter than woman. White European men are smarter than other men. Every Single Time you see anything else portrayed, it's pure fiction. The world is simply playing a game of pretend and we have, for whatever reason, been going along with it. It ends when we decide it ends.

submitted by Swej_Ehtsag to whatever 2.2 yearsMar 9, 2022 00:48:06 ago (+75/-3)     (whatever)

Seriously, ever work with woman? It's a joke, we treat them like adult children whose feelings we don't want to work. You would NEVER allow a man to get away with the stupidity we allow women to get away with.

Everyone knows white men are by far the most intelligent creatures to live on this planet. In order for jewgle to do their faggot daily doodles they have to stretch to the deepest recesses of history to find one shitskin or woman who did something even mildly worthwhile. If they dared featured famous white men from any day in history, they wouldn't have enough room on the home page to fit all the accomplishments. Isaac Newton alone contributed more to mankind than every shitskin and woman jewgle has ever featured by a factor of 100.

112 comments block

Bing 0 points 2.2 years ago

Love how you admit my point while still trying to pretend you didn't. Well done.