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"My brother has been diagnosed with Aphasia (inability to understand speech), which appeared 7 days after his vaccine. His life is ruined and his confidence destroyed."

submitted by nada to VaccineVictims 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 22:49:03 ago (+48/-0)     (VaccineVictims)

"Essentially, around 7 days after receiving his vaccine, he began to experience a very odd side effect, which we now know to be Aphasia.

If started off less bad - around 3-5 times per day, for around 10-15 seconds, he'd be unable to understand what others were saying to him, unable to understand what he himself was saying, and be unable to understand what he was reading. He's in college, so this causes some problems, as you might guess.

Then, 3 months later he had a seizure. He had no history of seizures prior to this. Immediately, his Aphasia worsened and became 10-15 times per day. It later worsened to 15-20 times per day, and was lasting longer and longer.

He was put on Depakote, which helped his symptoms at first, but eventually the Depakote stopped working after a few weeks and it was as bad as it was originally. He is now on Keppra, which has reduced his Aphasia episodes to 3-5 times per day again. His dose just got raised again yesterday.

This is a neurological disease that is likely to affect him for the rest of his life. All caused most likely by the Pfizer vaccine. Again: his symptoms started within 7 days of him getting the vaccine. That's a hell of a "coincidence".

Except it's been documented in academia: Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

I don't mean to make light of Bruce Willis' illness, but I wonder if his Aphasia was caused by the vaccine too?

Bruce Willis Has Aphasia and Is 'Stepping Away' from Acting, Family Reveals

It's a horrible horrible thing for someone to go through, and will haunt both him and my brother potentially for life. I'm happy my brother is so optimistic about it, but it's completely unfair that he has to go through this now.

I myself had the Moderna vaccine once because I was required to, but no way in hell am I getting any more. I'm lucky to have experienced no side effects, but it feels like I quite literally dodged a bullet to the brain given the way my brother fared from his vaccination.

I'm hoping this post will reach someone else in this situation. My heart goes out to you."

via https://old.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghaulers/comments/tse31q/my_brother_has_been_diagnosed_with_aphasia/

22 comments block

I had a closed head injury 20 years ago, aphasia and total wipe of numbers and math skills. Patience and practice. Patience from family and friends, help finding the word before frustration set in. Phasing things so a yes or no was an easy choice.
Practice, I started trying to complete 1 crossword in a day stopped when I could complete 10 in an hour, 5 years of dialing a phone number by covering the number as it was pressed and then pressing the next number...

Most of all remember the brain is plastic, learning is the path to recovery. 20+ years later and I'm gainfully employed, recovered enough that new friends find it harf to believe that I ever had a deficit... Well they may just being polite ;)

Occupational therapists were a great help.

Keep smiling... It beats the other alternative (antidepressants)