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Catholic Priests Say Raping Children is "Religious Freedom" - Cardinal Timothy Dolan from the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee claims pedophilia is endorsed by God, the rot extends to the Papal hierarchy with Pope Francis reducing sanctions & making the Catholic church a safe space for pedo priests

submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Pizzagate 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 13:13:32 ago (+14/-2)     (hnewswire.com)


Allegations against the Archdiocese in Milwaukee are shocking and involve forty five priests who were accused of molesting around two hundred deaf boys .. $55 million from bankruptcy proceedings went into a trust for mausoleums and cemeteries, after a court ruled religious freedom ensured their right to not compensate the victims. NewsWire.com.

10 comments block

Firemen are not fucking each other in the ass or raping kids, it is definitely the (((theology))) that makes them covet boy bum.