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Austrian bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent

submitted by NationalSocialism to Christianity 2.3 yearsMar 5, 2022 03:29:38 ago (+25/-0)     (archive.ph)


(LifeSiteNews) – The Catholic bishop of Innsbruck, Austria, inaugurated a “Lenten” decoration of the main altar of the historic University church of Saint John Nepomuk, a baroque jewel from the early 18th century. The “decoration” shows an enlarged partial inverted photograph of a naked young man with scars and tattoos lying on a bed and has been placed as an altarpiece above the tabernacle of the former main altar of the church. The piece of contemporary art by Carmen Brucic was specially chosen by Bishop Hermann Glettler, and bears the title: “Tired.”

Bishop Glettler has campaigned for the blessing of same-sex couples in the past (more on that later).

In itself, the more-than-life-size picture (4.5 by 3 meters) is completely incongruous over an altar because it has no religious meaning. But the picture of this nude young man lying on his back in an exhausted attitude, barely missing the display of his genitalia, is doubly scandalous. Besides its obvious indecency in such a setting, it portrays a prominent figure of the “queer” scene in Tbilisi, thus openly glorifying a “gay” activist from Georgia whose image will remain over the tabernacle holding the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist until the end of Lent.

26 comments block

The Catholic church is a breeding ground and haven for faggot pervert child rapists.

They are now coming out of he closet.

I am surprised parishioners aren't stoning them or something.