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this is what a jew looks like with only one jewish grandparent. As you can see, the eyes lack prominent, curling eyelashes, a caucasion feature and the lips are bit thicker than you might see in a caucasion but still looks pretty White for the most part.

submitted by Garrett to Jewdar 2.3 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:18:56 ago (+3/-2)     (images.moviefit.me)


her name is victoria pedretti

'Our genetic background determines how curly our eyelashes are. Individuals of Asian descent have eyelashes that are straighter and thicker but fewer in number than those with European ancestry.'


its basically due to having a monolid and lacking a double crease, which causes the eyelashes to grow straight down ala hispanics.

'Monolid is most common in Asians/Asian descent'


asian eyelids : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4536062/figure/FI01056-1/

2 comments block

Say what you will, she's hot! I wouldn't mind trying out those lips!