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25 comments block

masuji 0 points 2.3 years ago

"And for trying to make fun of him by thinking they can fool anyone with strings and chickens."

The lesson is in the outcome of the culture passing on the behavior from generation to generation.

The lesson to them is "the highest holy is to subvert all law and rules."
That is their 'god' in a nutshell.

Among europeans, our god is "the highest holy is order that is good and effective."

We seek to order the world, each according to our nature.

The ultimate end process of this will either be the victory of the europeans, and the annihilation of judaism, or the victory of the jewish, and the annihilation of europeans.

And then nature and nature's god will have determined, which is the truer test of a people's character and strength, which is the greater lesson.