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Irish Sundae

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Cooking 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 14:59:31 ago (+20/-0)     (Cooking)

Got some pieces of rare ribeye leftover from last night. What do? I'm about to tell ya.

Bake a potato.
Get some beef broth or bone broth heating up. Don't have any? Why not?
When your potato comes out of the oven, put your leftover beef in the hot broth. (Cut it up in chunks, fucking animal. Why do I have to tell you this?)
Let that beef cook in the broth for about two minutes. If it's medium you fucked up. Call your mom, tell her it's time to get picked up.
Beef goes on the potato with butter, shredded cheese, sour cream, and hot broth.
It's ready now. You can eat it. It's good.

28 comments block

I seared the beef the night before when I had it for dinner. This is just a quick meal before work.