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Based Russian Animation

submitted by Arthur_everest to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 11, 2022 01:59:00 ago (+6/-0)     (en.m.wikipedia.org)


Someone posted a cool meme earlier comparing slavic vs western children's programming, and I ended up watching 'Prince Vladimir' and 'The Swans of Nepryavda', both done with traditional (hand-drawn cells) animation.

The first is a fantasy-imbued story of prince Vladimir the Fair Sun, who converted the Rus to Christianity in the late 10th century, and the second is about the Rus repelling a mongol invasion in the 13th century- super based, as far as cartoons go! Good music, enjoyable, I recommend it to anyone looking for non-denerate pro white stuff to watch.

And thanks to whoever's posted that meme.

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