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NASA to crash International Space Station into the Pacific Ocean

submitted by FalseRealityCheck to spaceflight 2.3 yearsFeb 9, 2022 19:27:07 ago (+6/-0)     (americanmilitarynews.com)


NASA is moving forward with plans to take the International Space Station out of orbit in 2031 and crash it into the Pacific Ocean, according to the space agency’s International Space Station Transition Report released Monday. NASA explained the ISS will continue operating through 2030 in order to maintain a United States presence in space until private industry operators develop commercial replacements.

It will be coming down sooner than 2030....

8 comments block

It costs so much to get things into orbit that I'm surprised they don't give it enough fuel to land it on the moon. It wouldn't survive of course but those materials could be reused at some point in time.