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On average for the last 3 months, roughly 40% of the front page is Leafa posts.

submitted by systemisseasilymanipulated to whatever 2.4 yearsFeb 3, 2022 14:22:51 ago (+12/-16)     (whatever)

The fact of the matter is if you don't think theres anything weird about it you're either a braindead retard or are part of the problem with this website.

If you really can't find anything wrong with the front page being dominated by a single user who doesnt actually generate very much discussion or traffic for the site then you people really are a waste of my time. You arent based, youre not even adult, just an easily manipulated child. Notice or dont, system doesnt care if bots run the site anyways thats why he gave SBBH members a free pass even though he told the entire site he believes they are abusive and malicious actors who manipulated the site.

Fucking honk honk dude, how the fuck you guys see nothing wrong with that last part is fucking astonishing to me.

Oh and just so you know, System secretly deletes accounts and comments, and claims they are all dial alts. Pretty funny actually, if AOU bans you "it was the algorithm" and never provides a shred of proof, and you guys believe that. But if I warn all you system does the exact same thing, except his excuse is "it was a dial alt", which, conveniently he has to show no proof of, you would call me a troll liar. Well Im not lying.

Get real with this shit man.

34 comments block

People believe Leafa is run by multiple people, yet somehow the idea that those same multiple people who run the Leafa account are using alt accounts to give themselves upvotes is just a ridiculous conspiracy theory. And you can trust system, he checked the records. I mean he wont tell you what records he checked, or how, but dont worry hes got your back so you can just believe whatever he says.