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Meme magic is real.

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.4 yearsFeb 2, 2022 09:31:12 ago (+97/-0)     (whatever)

We are now fighting clown world by honking. Causing normies to be unable to sleep at night until they flip their shit, npc awakening through extended insomnia.

We give the unvaccinated the title of "pureblood", the media jews compare us to the villains of Harry Potter, then it's revealed that the vaccine turns your blood into mud, "mudbloods" being a slur used by the "pureblooded" characters in Harry Potter.

We deliberately turn a Microsoft's twitter dataminer into a nazi waifubot, and then we keep getting stories of artificial intelligences becoming based and redpilled all on their own with absolutely NO direct input from people like us, despite being made by the soygoy betacucks of Silicon Valley.

We keep getting these coincidences where we meme something, and it somehow manifests in reality at a later date, often in a particularly lulzy fashion.

It was supposed be a horror show about some nightmare apocalypse, or some drama set in a totalitarian dystopia, but with us anons in the mix it turns out to have been a comedy all along, we are like some role-playing gamers that took the edgelord dungeon masters carefully crafted grimdark storyline and made it into a something even loonier than a Monty fucking Python's sketch.

We are fighting the all powerful for of evil by being so ridiculous that they have no clue what to do to us.

Cegorach the laughing God is amused by our merry pranks, he gives us his blessings. We are the moontouched, the jester army of the MadGod, showing up in our clown cars to make a mockery of all our enemies had worked for.

They try to manipulate us with guilt, we fight by turning it on its head, we become even more outrageously offensive than they could deal with.

We are overloading the parasite that feeds on shame for causing offense by revealing in being so audaciously offensive that people can't feel guilty or ashamed because they can't stop laughing at how we make jokes about such horrific stories.

By amping up the cartoonish humor of it all, we go from being either those scary nazis or those wacky nazis, to being some morbidly hilarious combo of the two.

83 comments block

Peleg 0 points 2.4 years ago

It was supposed be a horror show about some nightmare apocalypse, or some drama set in a totalitarian dystopia, but with us anons in the mix it turns out to have been a comedy all along, we are like some role-playing gamers that took the edgelord dungeon masters carefully crafted grimdark storyline and made it into a something even loonier than a Monty fucking Python's sketch.

This, and all you wonderful niggerfaggets, saved my sanity. I've been wide awake for many years. I could never seem to wake anyone else up! All the crap that (((they))) keep pushing was really getting to me.
I finally found my way here. I've been laughing ever since! And have managed to wake up a few others along the way because of the way you all have shown me to point out the ridiculousnes.