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Ghislane Maxwell no longer fighting to keep the John's names sealed!!! Who will be named next?!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.4 yearsJan 13, 2022 16:21:08 ago (+29/-0)     (www.msn.com)


What most here don't realize is how big this gang of pedos are. And how far they have gone to cover this shit up!

For example the two lawyers representing the victims David Boise and Lisa Bloom both previous worked as fixers for Harvey (rapist) Whinestein. They threatened, stalked and harassed the victims to silence them!

David Boise was later named as a defendant by another victim that brought a civil case against them all!

Will that pedo plant juror be named too?

And today Prince Andrew has been stripped of all his titles and reduced to a civilian before he faces seven hours of questioning under oath!!

Queens death incoming?

HRC is running for president again for cover!

Was the judge compromised in the same honeypot?

How many FBI agents are involved?

The pandemic is ending now so did Fauci supply collateral to the cabal by using their services before funding Wuhan gain of function?

This case seems to tie it all together in the most dangerous combination. Even leads to the gangstalking and electronic harassment programs that have targeted the victims. And this is the most devastating redpill of them all.

The gangstalking programs being exposed would get the elites and their mason minions executed globally.

Putin hinted at this a few days ago and immediately Dr Nils Melzer who has been exposing this came under attack with calls for him to resign within hours.

This leads me to believe the end game will be one of three possible outcomes.

1) white hats expose the gangstalking programs by giving the victims their files, ending the elites and the masons.

2) the elites give the victims their files ending the masons while creating a hero they can control.

3) the masons give the victims their files and destroy the elites in an attempt to make themselves the good guys.

Either way. It's quickly becoming a situation where whoever drops these files first has the advantage while all others are fucked right now.

It's a bad day to be a satanist!!!

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