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I got the common cold

submitted by Freespeechplease to whatever 2.4 yearsJan 4, 2022 21:29:02 ago (+22/-0)     (whatever)

Well, this seems to be it. Still not getting Nose Raped, tested or vaxxed.

these Jews are releasing a new common cold every year for decades.

16 comments block

My wife too, got it from her Aggressively pro-vax brother and his retarded kids at X-mas (our guess, they're the only ones we haven't been in regular contact with, and they're all constantly sick). Called out from work with a "stomach bug" to avoid the insanity of their isolation and sterilization protocols. That was Friday, this morning she said she feels pretty much normal again. FWIW, her "treatment" regime was simply drinking a few more cups of tea with honey (our honey, we have a few hives) each day.

First of Any kind of cold/flu/sickness either of us have felt in 3~4 years. And yup, I still shared the bed with her.