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The story of Sears is a great representation of what jews are capable of

submitted by HeyJames to politics 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 13:47:40 ago (+10/-0)     (politics)

Sears was once a staple of middle America, beginning in the early 20th century. You could order anything from clothes, to tools, and even all the supplies one would need in a kit to build your own home. In fact there are entire neighborhoods of Sears homes still standing today and in great condition. Anyone who grew up during the 1970s will remember Sears fondly as having quality American made goods and employing thousands of people with high paying jobs.

You would think a company who's business model was based on catalogs and delivering product based on customer orders from home would thrive in the 21st century, however history has proven that wrong.

Why did this happen? Who would intentuinally run a successful 100 year old business which provides essential goods to the Middle class and employs thousands into the ground?

Sears didn't die, it was killed on purpose.

The CEO (who took this position never intending to actually operate the company) loaned huge sums to the Sears company through a hedge fund he owned and simultaneously chose to not invest money in the stores, sell off important divisions that drew people in, and laid off a ton of employees which resulted from the stores falling to neglect from being understaffed.

When Sears inevitably defaulted on these loans, the CEO took posession of their most valuable property holdings for himself while writing off the debt, which was the plan all long. He also began funneling money from Sears to his hedge fund. He made billions from this.

This was obvious fraud and impacted the lives of thousands of Sears employees and customers. He was never seriously held accountable for this.

This pattern of behavior that happened to Sears unfortunately represents the United States of America today.

Kikes are increasing the national debt by an order of magnitude in order to enrich themselves. They are purposefully pumping up the housing market higher than Americans can afford so the kike banks can make a killing selling to Saudi and Chink investors. The United States has tons of natural resources, however most of the rare earth mines are either sold off to China or deemed "environmentally unfriendly".

The same thing that happened to Sears is happening to America. Our infrastructure is failing, which includes bridges dams, waterways, highways etc. It would take $1 trillion just to repair what we have, yet only about $200 billion of this $1.5t package that was signed went for this purpose.

6 comments block

Pretty sure this is sarcasm, lol! Japanese adjustable wrench costs $100 but it is worth it.