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EXCLUSIVE: Rob O’Neill Reveals How Badly Mangled Osama Bin Laden’s Face Was After Getting Shot

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 2.7 yearsDec 26, 2021 05:58:49 ago (+12/-1)     (dailycaller.com)


I have my doubts about Osama's death, why you may ask? Here we go, why was he buried at sea the same day without a specific d.n.a.test?why wasn't his body brought back for the victim's family of 911 catastrophic disaster to actually see so there could be some closure. That's another reason I personally don't believe he's deceased. Prove me wrong!

15 comments block

Merlynn 0 points 2.7 years ago

It was mangled enough to cover up any differences between the real Osama and the body double they shot up.