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submitted by big_fat_dangus to ThotPatrol 2.4 yearsDec 21, 2021 16:15:56 ago (+51/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


30 comments block

Ragnar 0 points 2.4 years ago


And btw, if you look up mythical creatures in various cultures that represent impossible beauty and valour, they eerily resemble white Europeans. Even the gods of some cultures seem to be Vikings or other Whites.

I first noticed this when I was watching some documentary on the aztecs or some other yucky indigenous Americans. Their depictions of their gods is fair haired, fair skinned, fair eyed men. Considering Vikings came to America far before the Spaniards, methinks it was them that these mezos consider gods because they were impossibly beautiful and strong.

Then I came across hindu gods on ancient aliens (don’t judge). They look uncannily white, while the indigenous Dravidians in India are supremely ugly. I think when Aryans Europeans invaded India, they were turned into gods.

Then I was told that in islam they have a concept of hoors that men get as a reward in their heaven. Jesus, they are described as basically what European women look like: blonde hair blue eyes very white skin. This is the beauty standard all over the world. I think it’s because travellers must have encountered the impossibly beautiful white Europeans and written about it, that turned into mythology and ultimately got embedded in their religion as a reward for good men.