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The Dreyfuss affair: jewish French officer Alfred Dreyfuss was guilty as hell, but the entire thing has been jew-washed

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 2.5 yearsDec 19, 2021 11:18:00 ago (+19/-0)     (carolynyeager.net)


If you have time, give this episode of Carolyn Yeager's podcast a listen. It's two hours long and a bit rambling, but her guest Margaret Huffstickler know what she's talking about.

The Dreyfus affair was as polarizing and controversial for the French as the Leo Frank case was in the US, and both incidents were a success for jews in the long run. The organization "League for the Defence of Human Rights" was formed in France as a result, similar to the way the ADL was formed after the Leo Frank incident. jews see it as nothing less that a great success for them. This is the last paragraph from an article on the subject (translated from French):

"If the anti-Semites had not seized on the Dreyfus affair as a pretext for attacking the Jews, the Dreyfus group probably would not have emerged, as virtually everyone, including Bernard Lazare and Theodor Herzl, was convinced that Dreyfus was really guilty. But the attacks on the Jews awakened their belligerent spirit, *and it all ended with their great victory.*"

Very revealing. Almost like it was planned.

In the podcast, Margaret Huffstickler refers to a recent book on the subject which explores evidence and details about the Dreyfus affair, "Dreyfus-Esterhazy, refutation of the vulgate" (2010) by Monique Delcroix. It's in French and my French isn't good enough to penetrate it, but apparently she does a deep dive into it and explains what happened properly.

It's surprising that there were so many fucking jews in Paris at the time, enough that they have such influence over French politics. jews have been in France for a long time and used various disguises. In the 19th century, they called themselves Marxists and socialists. In the 18th century, they called themselves Jacobins and represented revolution, republicanism, democracy, and far-left politics.

Edit: Typo in title - should be "Dreyfus", not "Dreyfuss".

10 comments block

I didn't know that, but it's certainly in character.