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Societal Cancer List V1

submitted by oldblo to Infographs_Lists_Blueprints_and_Diagrams 2.5 yearsDec 20, 2021 11:36:23 ago (+3/-0)     (Infographs_Lists_Blueprints_and_Diagrams)

Shot Supporters





BLM Supporters
(Well intentioned but the justification is iffy at times and saying traitor is often a misnomer.)

BLM and Antifa Supporters

If someone wants to add or start a new list to include into this one feel free. Needless to say the lists are incomplete and may always be.
Its easier to point out what isnt than what is these days. Do what you can to become fully self sufficient.

7 comments block

oldblo 0 points 2.5 years ago

Im saying mass collaboration is your first mistake.
Youre wanting to out think billionaires when they can just throw money at the problem and use suppression tactics until it goes away. Thats if they play nice.

Take a look at the OneAngryGamer list under the BLM section. Now look at the current state of the site. That list doesnt exist any more and there is no ability to comment on the site either far as I know. Its a site no longer under original ownership or in support of its original spirit.

Doing this kind of thing is painting a neon target on your back. You can likely get away with depicting the corporate ladder but if you want strangers to gather and start pointing out coincidences and foul deeds you better expect similar treatment to your predecessors.

Best to make it easy for one or two autists to fill out. Then drop a big text file on those who care.