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Next level coping over Biden stickers on gas pumps

submitted by mikenigger to MeanwhileOnReddit 2.5 yearsDec 5, 2021 13:09:56 ago (+22/-0)     (www.reddit.com)


Higher gas prices have typically meant more jobs, more tax revenue for state and local gov'ts, and so on down the line. From production, to exploration, to every single support industry for oil and gas, to even the local refinery and plants jobs. So.. what's the problem? Costs too much to go take the boat out for a trump flotilla?

Just sayin', you might wanna rethink your message.

and this guy must be an economics major too lmao

In summary the gas prices are higher now due to the low demand during the pandemic

23 comments block

I love how "gas prices aren't a result of the presidents policies". Funny however that whenever a democrat gets into office they go up. Almost like clockwork.